Is it burnout or…

Are you burned out or are you . . .

  • undercharging

  • overworking

  • working with clients that drain your energy

  • making offers you don't love and secretly hope people won't buy

  • not having any fun in your business

  • feeling like you can't walk away without your business burning down

  • bored

  • sick of the people in your feed

  • procrastinating on the shit that actually gives you LIFE

  • avoiding looking at your business as a whole bc you're afraid of what you'll find

  • selling like it's still the middle of the pandemic and wondering why your efforts are creating shitty results

  • spending waaaay more time than you care to admit comparing and despairing

  • constantly telling yourself that you're behind behind behind


 Listen. Every single one of these things have simple solutions.


 And frankly I see far too many entrepreneurs who have turned their businesses into JOBS.


 It's time to shake things up.


 Start some things from scratch.


 I was a Professional Organizer for 6++ years and I fucking looooove helping people get crystal clear on what serves them and what doesn't.


 You know how when you finally get around to decluttering and organizing your closet and you keep going back to it just to admire your handiwork?


 And you get an itch to keep going because you feel a million times lighter and have more energy than you've had in ages?




 That's the feeling I want you to have with your business.


 I want to Marie Kondo the living shit out of your business with you so you can get booked up with your dreamiest clients, do work that keeps you in FLOW, and make more money than you ever have before.


 I mean, COME ON. How amazing would THAT feel?


 It's so obtainable for YOU, my friend. It doesn't require that much time either. Just a few hours per week. And so many of these things can be automated and outsourced for pennies on the dollar. Trust me, I'm always looking for ways to take the work load off of YOU.


 Making more money DOES NOT require you to work more. Period.


 If I'm singing your song, hit me up and let's get this rolling in one of two ways:


A.) 1:1 Deep Dive VIP Coaching/Consulting with me for 6 months where you'll end up with a lean mean business machine that has you doing the best work of your life and have the extra digits in your bank to prove it. You have loads of million dollar ideas but need traction, accountability and most of all, someone to bounce ideas around with.


 This is for businesses in the $150-$500k revenue range who have scaled (or in the process of scaling) but know it can be done even better. The investment is $15k.




 B.) 1:1 Coaching SPRINT. This is a 2 month commitment for entrepreneurs who have ONE area of business that needs some tweaking and support. Think: sales, marketing, positioning, pricing, copy, content creation, program creation, launching etc..


 This is for the same folks as above, but who want to get in, hit the ground running, and get back out. If you consider yourself an action taker and implementer, this offer is a good fit for you. The investment in $5k.


Book a call with me, bring your ideas and questions, and if we're a good fit we can start as early as next week. I only have a couple of slots available for each offer so get your cute butt in gear.




Does your business bring you joy?