I’m Lisa Sharp

and I know that you want to make more money doing great things in the world.

You didn’t start your business because you thought, “Gee, I sure would love to work really long hours, not feel like I’m making the progress I should, ignore my family, and be chained to my desk all day long.”

Fuuuuuck no.

You started your business because you want to make a difference in the world.

You feel passionately about the things you teach and the service that you so lovingly provide.

You’re a powerhouse on a MISSION.

No wonder you always feel behind. Your brain keeps telling you that and it’s busy looking for all the evidence to prove itself right instead of spending that precious energy DOING it.

(Brains are excellent problem solvers and are built to look for problems so don’t sweat it yours is doing this all day long. CONGRATS. YOUR BRAIN IS TOTALLY NORMAL.)

But sometimes you lose sight of that

because you’re worried about what people will think of you.

Or you get so wrapped up in the ups and downs of entrepreneurship, that weeks and months go by without doing the things that you KNOW would make a world of difference in your business.

(I can see that you already had three things immediately come to mind which means you have great awareness.)

Listen, you are already KILLING IT but your brain is focused on what’s NOT working and it’s draining your battery every single day.

But guess what.

Business can be not only NOT be a drag, but it can be . . . FUN.

Yes, I said FUN.

How do I know?

Because I’ve been in business since 2013 and it wasn’t until 2020 when the fucking sky was falling down over our heads that I realized that by playing it “safe” in my marketing, I had been accidentally tying my business’ feet together.

Businesses have feet in this example. Just go with it.

I THOUGHT I had been communicating clearly in my marketing.

I THOUGHT I had been selling “correctly.”


But I was WRONG.

I was playing business and not acting in a way that drew clients to me like moths to a flame.

I was talking to everybody in my marketing and not to MY people.

In short, I wasn’t showing up for YOU.

Now that I know precisely who I help (female entrepreneurs like you, who are dead fucking serious about making more money and helping more people without working a bazillion hours)

and what I help them with (increasing visibility so that marketing feels like just talking your BFFs, creating killer packages and offers that sell like crazy, and getting rid of those debbie downer internal voices that are keeping you from speaking on stages, writing books, having a well known a respected podcast, and being a Top Dog in your industry.

As it turns out, mindset (the way you think about your services, your audience and yourself) REALLY fucking matters.

So when you can recognize that your brain is in a woulda coulda shoudas loop all day long (again, totally normal brain behavior but not exactly what we would can HELPFUL thinking) OF COURSE that will effect the actions we take or don’t take in our businesses.

THIS is the missing piece you’ve been looking for.

Once you get yourself in a better state of mind and then get clear AF on the EXACT money generating activities you actually need to do every day… the money “magically” shows up.

  • Your stress levels go down

  • Your confidence skyrockets

  • You feel certain about the results you’re creating ON PURPOSE

  • You feel connected to your people like never before

Business owners make more money, get fully booked and work LESS. Oh, and have a fucking life too. Because hustle ain’t happenin’ on my watch. It’s not necessary and it’s keeping you from getting what you TRULY want.

So if you’re ready to quit under-earning, hustling, and playing it safe (read: boring), you’re in the right place.

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