We're setting the bar too low

If you are only creating $100,000/yr in revenue in your business, you sure as hell ain't paying yourself much at all.


I don't know where this mythical "I gotta reach $100k/year to know that I've MADE it" bs started but it needs to go away. FAST.




 EVEN if you have a lean as hell operation

EVEN if your overhead is low


 You still gotta pay for your taxes, tech, and incidentals.


 And if a hard wind blows, your business may not survive the storm.


 I work with women who are making between $150-$500k in revenue per year and I'm like a broken record with them:


 1. Sustainability: Do you love the pace in which you are working? How long do you see yourself with x or y offer? What's your 3-5 year plan?


 2. Ability to scale: do you have the necessary rock solid systems in place that allow for growth?


 3. How much do you love marketing and selling? Is your current marketing/selling/pricing/positioning/branding commiserate with your current offers?


 4. Do you want to sell high, medium, or low ticket offers? Do you want to sell a mix of them? Each REQUIRES different strategy, tactics, and mindset. Are you solid on all three?


5. What's your highest vision for your business? Are you currently aligned with it? Are there areas that need attention in order to feel better to YOU?


6. Are you spending enough time *thinking* and *visioning* in your business or are you still tryin' to do all the damn things?


 7. Are there areas of your life that are being neglected because of how you are currently running your business? What would you be doing for fun if you had more time away?


8. How much do you PERSONALLY want to be making in your business? How far away are you from that now? If you are there already, how can you create a bigger profit margin for your efforts?


9. Where is your business a hot fucking mess? Where do you need MORE support / guidance / automation?


 10. Where have you accidentally created a JOB for yourself akin to working for the man? What do we need to unfuck?


 I say this at least once a week: Water runs downhill.


 It's my MISSION to help kickass small business owners do things the easiest and most fulfilling way possible. After building and running (2) six figure businesses in the last 10+ years, I have seen and done it ALL. As a business coach since 2018, I've helped dozens of business owners uplevel in EVERY area of business.


I can help you too.


You didn't get into business because you love uncertainty and headaches. LOL. Let's solve whatever is hanging you up RIGHT NOW.





PS I currently have (2) 1:1 VIP coaching spots available. Your uplevel awaits!


Grab YOUR spot, Gorgeous!


Big ideas don't work without action


There is no wealth shaming here